So, I thought I'd share some fun things I have found. They help make being sick a little more bearable.
I LOVE this owl fabric! I think it will be my next fabric purchase. I am afraid that I won't want to cut into it, though! That is problem with really cute paper, cute fabric, cute ribbon... I want to save it for something "really special" and then end up not using it. I'm trying to break that cycle by not buying new craft supplies until I use what I have. But these owls might be the exception...

We (well, Kade technically) got a hamster from a friend for Christmas! He is a panda bear hamster named Po after this guy:

I haven't got a real picture of Po yet, because he is only awake at night and I don't want to blind him with the flash. But, he is really cute, and VERY clean (seriously, he cleans his cage every day!), and pretty funny too. I was looking up some info about what treats hamsters can have, and came upon this video. Kade loves watching it! Cute!
Speaking of broccoli, I'm going to make this broccoli cheese soup. So easy, and a great comfort food especially when you're not feeling well!

My SIL sent me a link to this awesome website! It's called It is GREAT! Kade and I have already spent lots of time there already. We are mostly still working on the ABCs. I've been adding in some of the level two little stories, for instance Zac the Rat is great to read after learning all about the letter A. They also have lots of other fun activities, movies, etc. They even have some really inexpensive journals and books you can buy too.

Lastly, my new favorite song. I don't usually like country very much, but this song is a bit country or folk, and I can't stop listening to it!
Jer is gone for the weekend at a Mens Retreat with our church. So tonight, I am going to make some soup and have a movie marathon of my own! See you next week!